Attract and convert more new patients with powerful marketing tools.

Capture more new patients with 5-star reviews from your current patients, a unique website that boosts your local search ranking, and website chat tools.

Doctible's marketing solutions
Campaign Scheduler
Pre-built Templates
Email Preview
Customizable Templates
File Upload
Patient Sync
Campaign Scheduler
Pre-built Templates
Email Campaigns
Email Preview
Customizable Templates

Boost your online reputation and presence without lifting a finger.

Reputation Management

Automate feedback collection and track satisfaction metrics

Patients automatically receive feedback request texts. They can share positive reviews on Google and Facebook with a few clicks. Negative reviews are directed to your practice in our communication platform, allowing you to address issues quickly.

Improve Your Online Reputation

Our secure patient review collection includes tools to monitor online review trends and patient satisfaction metrics. You can quickly spot areas to improve in your practice.

Automatic and Integrated

Doctible integrates with your EHR and practice management systems to automate the process of collecting reviews — no extra work required by your staff.

Doctible's Reputation Management dashboards include online review alerts and data

Email Campaigns

Keep patients engaged with email campaigns

Personalize patient email communication by appointment details or other information. Send important updates and reminders to your patients and establish an open line of communication. 

Connect Through Every Update

Engage patients via notifications of any relevant practice updates. Send newsletters, holiday greetings, and announcements about providers, insurance changes, and more.

Easy Templates and Customization

Use pre-made templates or create your own emails to tailor your messaging campaigns for all your patients.

Information provided in Doctible's marketing Campaigns tool for healthcare practices: Campaign Reach, Engagement, etc

Website Messenger

A 24/7 front desk for your website

Instantly engage with visitors to your website, answer common questions, and accept appointment requests. Reduce site bounce rates and increase visit duration to boost your search engine ranking.

Turn Web Visitors into Patients

Patients come to your website seeking the information they want now. Providing a quick interaction enhances the likelihood they'll make an appointment and boosts customer satisfaction.

Monitor Chat Transcripts

Staff can quickly determine who needs attention. Using chat-to-text and complete transcripts of chat histories keeps your staff efficient and reduces unnecessary office calls.

Unique Web Visitors, Website Leads, and Chatbot messages from Doctible's Website Messenger tool

Practice Website

Improve your online presence with a custom website

Craft a fully customized website with our premiere customer service team to impress current and prospective patients and rank in local search. Add tailored content, online booking, interactive website chat, and more to make finding your practice and scheduling appointments easy.

Climb Search Rankings with Local SEO

Work with our team to design a website that ranks against your local competition. We personalize content for local SEO to improve your online presence.

Premium web development

Our cost-effective website solution positions your practice for growth and showcases your success — like featuring positive online reviews on your site.

Information provided in Doctible's marketing Campaigns tool for healthcare practices: Campaign Reach, Engagement, etc

See Doctible in action.

If you want the best digital patient engagement and marketing platform, you need Doctible. See how it works by scheduling a demo.

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Customer testimonials

Healthcare providers love Doctible.

“I love the fact that it is very simple and user-friendly.”

Deana C.

Office Manager, Medical Practice

“Very pleased. I have recommended Doctible to many of my colleagues.”

Richard C.

Provider Health, Wellness and Fitness

“I love the daily review feature and how easy it is to track the reviews that come in.”

Nikole D.

Manager Medical Practice

The most valuable part of Doctible is its ability to maintain and build your online reputation, and it's autopilot, you really don't have to put any thought into it.

Adam B.

Podiatry Practice Owner

I love the simplistic fashion in which our patient surveys are quick and easy for them to use and for our team to use. It has helped us with our reviews, receiving more raw feedback and the website messenger has helped with our community and patients inquiring about us and our services to give people options. This has helped with those who aren't fond of phone calls anymore.

Chadwick T.

Practice Administrator/Manager

Time is a problem and Doctible exceeded my expectations, especially with the review process and now even more so with the text messaging process, and I'm really looking forward to new products.

Dr. Marsh

Doctor of Chiropractic

We’ve had better communication because I’ve recently added website messenger to our website with Doctible. Patients that are referred to us can contact us and ask questions and it has made the patient experience better overall.

Ana S.

Marketing Manager for a Dental Specialist

Doctible simplifies the process for patients to write reviews on sites such as Google and Facebook which makes it easy for offices to increase the number of quality reviews they receive from patients.

Sean T.

Dental Practice Owner

Service is top-notch, pricing is amazing, and it offers so many options. You can customize the message and so much more. They have been so kind and helpful through all aspects of integration and after.

Josephine G.

Marketing Director

Doctible has provided an excellent return on investment. The positive Google reviews are money. We are now getting new patients who when I asked who referred them they are saying “great online reviews.” Another plus is if a patient wants to leave a negative review, it goes directly to me the owner instead of being posted online so I get a chance tor respond. Overall we went from about a 3.5 star average rating on Google to about a 4.9 now!

Alex P.

Practice Administrator

We love Doctible! I love the ease with which we can gather reviews from our patients and reply to them. Also, it takes the pressure out of asking people for a review. This is a very helpful product for our practice.

Reni G.

Business Manager

Since our facility started using Doctible it has increased our star rating on sites like Google, and has also lessened the need for patients to vent on Social Media and given them direct access to leave their positive experiences improving our presence there. It has allowed us to correct things that the patient is dissatisfied with before receiving other surveys or sometimes before even leaving the facility and has also given them a direct line to us. We love it.

Courtney O.

Patient Experience Coordinator