Connect with new patients 24/7

Patient communication begins instantly with Doctible—as soon as they visit your website. Answer common questions and accept appointment requests via Website Messenger's online patient chat.

  • Reduce website bounce rates with better page engagement
  • Capture more new patients
  • Boost your search engine ranking
Chatbot tool by Doctible showing conversations and appointments total with example of patient message.
New chat notification example from website chat plugin for healthcare practices

Cut back on office calls

Website Messenger connects to your staff via chat-to-text, letting staff quickly decide who needs attention. Personally respond to chat interactions or let the chatbot handle patient conversations.

Greater accessibility to your website reduces phone calls to your front desk while boosting patient engagement.

Proactive outreach

Trigger new conversations with website visitors as they consider your services and answer patient questions in real-time.

More new appointments

Allowing website visitors to book appointments directly through the chat reduces missed opportunities in patient acquisition.

Competitive advantage

Offer a modern and convenient communication channel to new patients that sets your practice apart from local competition.

Engage website visitors and gain new patients

Answer common questions and accept appointment requests via Website Messenger's online patient chat.

  • Error message label
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Track all patient chat history

Website Messenger stores all patient conversations so you stay on top of their needs. Scroll online message threads and respond quickly—whether your website visitors need to book an appointment or get more information about your office.

  • Build trust with potential patients through secure chat-to-text conversations
  • Audit web chat transcripts to maintain positive patient engagement standards
  • HIPAA compliant live chat adds another channel to your patient communication strategy
Chatbot tool by Doctible showing appointment request message from patient practice view of example making a patient message
Chatbot backend view of patient appointments and statistics and chat history with patients

Modernize your front desk to maximize communication

Doctible's website chat widget service offers premium accessibility for potential patients who may be unable to call. The added convenience also reduces wait times for those scheduling an appointment.

  • Boost patient satisfaction when they chat seamlessly with your practice via your website
  • Make your staff happier with easy patient communication tools
  • Turn your website into a new patient conversion hub

Engage website visitors and gain new patients

Answer common questions and accept appointment requests via Website Messenger's online patient chat.

Customer testimonials

"The inclusion of Doctible into our daily dental practice has drastically reduced no show appointments as well as enabled clear communication to our patients regarding office policies and appointment needs."

— Kodi M., Office Manager, Medical Practice

"Doctible has made our job of reminding patients much easier and less time consuming. We love that we can contact our patients through text and our patients love the reminders and ease of communication with us."'

— Kristy W., Office Manager

"Once you set up everything, you can pretty much sit back and watch your reviews come in. Auto responses are great; they keep you HIPAA compliant, and it gives you opportunity to reach out to unhappy patients."

— Linda L, Practice Manager, Hospital Healthcare



How does the Website Messenger chat function work?

Create automated responses to answer specific questions or connect website visitors with a real person during office hours.

I'm using another patient engagement tool, how do I manage a transition?

Our customer success team specializes in transitioning offices from other systems to Doctible. The process is seamless and your patients won't notice any downtime as you make the switch!

Do you offer free trials?

In special circumstances, we are able to provide special offers. Speak to a Doctible team member to learn if your practice qualifies for trial pricing or other relevant offers.

Do I need to have a Doctible Website to use Messenger?

No! You can take advantage of the messenger without a Doctible Website.

Is Doctible HIPAA compliant? 

Yes! Doctible's solutions are completely HIPAA compliant. Talk to our team about common risks many practices face with compliance using their current patient communication tools. 

Engage website visitors and gain new patients

Answer common questions and accept appointment requests via Website Messenger's online patient chat.